
A New Room

2017 has come to a close and here in Australia we have already entered into 2018. I have been pondering the last few days what that can mean for us.

I recently took the opportunity to paint my fathers bedroom. For decades he and my mum lived in a pink bedroom. See below. She had one day painted the walls and ceiling pink and even after she died my father continued to live in this space. I had vowed that I would change that, but in the last 4 years things just didn’t happen to plan and this time around while on Christmas break, I set to work to change the room to something more modern and less feminine!!

As I was putting the final touches on the room I had this thought, coming into a new year is like coming into a new room. We can choose to clean out the old and begin again. (We can do that on a daily basis too, but for some reason the new year always has everyone thinking). As a part of moving all my Dad’s furniture back into his bedroom I encouraged him to cull as much as he could as well. To me his room now looks less cluttered and more open. Isn’t that how it can feel when we choose to clean out stuff in our hearts and minds too. A New Year can be about resolutions like weight loss or certain fitness goals in weights and distances, or it can be about changing our mindset.

This morning I did a video post to my Facebook friends about choice and how 2018 we can choose how we manage our lives, how we respond to situations, we have a choice. Just like my Dad’s room we have a choice to declutter our minds and give it a new paint job. How do we want to think this year? Do we want to think like we always have? Or do we want to try something new?

It’s up to us.

A New Room

It’s OUR Choice.

The final outcome of the room below.



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